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    BETWEEN WAVES is a science-fiction dramatic feature film about a woman's pursuit to join her missing lover by crossing into a parallel dimension. Even after his presumed death, Jamie continues to be visited by her lover Isaac, a quantum physicist, who pleads for her to join him in a parallel plane. Jamie follows a map and notebook Isaac m.77mi.cc left for her and embarks on a journey to the island of S?o Miguel in the A?ores. At the center of the Atlantic Ocean, Jamie begins to untangle the truth of what really happened the night Isaac disappeared, learning that she had a greater part in it than she cares to remember. Burdened by a police investigation back home, and in turmoil about her choice to terminate her pregnancy, Jamie is haunted by Isaac's inter-dimensional visits as he persuades her to join him. Jamie hopes to get some clarity when Isaac's former research partner, Renata, shows up on the island to help. Does Renata believe Jamie or is she just after the notebook Isaac left behind Straddling a fine line between enlightenment and madness, how far will Jamie go before she's in too deep维度之间免费在线观看全集  https://www.i5hd.com/film/95116.html本片是由导演Virginia Abramovich执导,2020年上映的《维度之间》,是由Fiona Graham,Luke Robinson,Sebastian Deery,Stacey Bernstein等主演的动作片。


    • 2.0正片犯罪都市马东锡,尹启相,赵在允,崔奎华
    • 2.0HD魔警国语版吴彦祖,张家辉,思漩,安志杰,廖启智,林嘉华,李国麟,欧锦棠,陈芷菁,梁焯满
    • 2.0HD特种兵王之原子核爆于震,韩乐瑶,吴靖萱,王辉,訾富尔,奥黛丽·欧塔维阿诺
    • 5.0HD暂停Scott Cordes,Annie Tedesco,Caroline Vinciguerra,Dan Nichols,David Fritts
    • 3.0HD缉毒特警Dan Leis,杰森·帕特里克,Lloyd Adams
    • 9.0HD末日崩塌国语道恩·强森,亚历珊德拉·达达里奥,卡拉·古奇诺,雨果·约翰斯通-伯特,雅奇·潘嘉比,科尔顿·海恩斯,艾恩·格拉法德,保罗·吉亚玛提,凯莉·米洛,李威尹,瓦内萨·罗斯,马特·杰拉德,阿特·帕金森,罗宾·阿特金·唐斯,艾伦·D·柏温,亚历克·乌特戈夫,摩根·格莉芬,杰米斯·巴特勒,艾伦·波普尔顿

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